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Majestic news !
Hi everyone !
Today, a whole fucking train of news !
First, I lost all my work since june, the very next day I posted the previous news.
It was devastating as hell, but I try to cope and save what I could save !
I was able to recover almost every past news, but don’t be angry at me if some stuff have changed or are not up to date, it was a herculean work.
But as it seems I was on a magic roll, I did a lot of exclusive and additionnal small stuff !
- random freckles on girls (face and arm) !
- 4 random lipsticks on girls !
- a new shirt !
- a new sari costume for indians !
- improvments on indian’s flat set !
- earings and small fashion stuff for girls in “fame and pride” and “rising star” levels !
- 3 new haircuts ! (I personnally looove those new ones ^^)
- a small fix on dialog box when changing position.
- dude customisation on intro page (for now it’s not impressive, but it was a huge work to regroup everything to be able to do new guys in the future) !
- and brand new intro page !
- a new pose : deep sucking !
Don’t forget it’s additionnal stuff from the previous update, 11 october, which already contained a lot of new stuff !
So, all in all, I just remove the “alpha version” note on start menu, because I think now the game has a freaking lot of quality content, it has earned the right to be called “King of Porn City”, the one and only ^^
As usual, don’t expect this much every week, but as usual, I don’t try to limit myself : if I got time and guts to do stuff, I just do and deliver, like this month.
So just enjoy and support as much as you can, that’s the best way to keep the flow coming ^^
Ho, and just to say, I begin to think about some “premium content”.
I know, I know, the concept of paying sucks, but we already had this conversation a long time ago : those kind of stuff are just energy and time blackholes, so without any financial returns it just not humanly possible to keep going forever.
The idea would be to keep 90% of the game completely free, we are not talking about some crappy cut on essential content (”demo” practice like meet’n'fuck or zone-sama work is understandable, they put great effort in their stuff, but that’s often too frustrating, right ?), but to give additionnal sugar and candy behind it.
Like premium account for other games like kingdom rush, gemcraft or else : it’s just a cheap and adorable cherry on top !
So, whatever, that’s not for now now, but just to warn you in advance there’s no fuss to make about it ^^
OK.. Serious problem here.
In the last(?) scene, Miss Cutie, the red button stopped working and the script failed..failed BAD.
It's the first red button you push after selecting the scene.
As for the premium content.. The most sought after content for adult games are poses, clothes, different skins (hair, faces, complexion, etc.) and scenarios. If you want to get some money, I would suggest having unlockable content. Put a teaser screen at the end that shows what COULD be unlocked if one pays. Just a thought.
Keep up the good work!
Problem fixed, nice one !
For premium content, thx for sharing your expectation, hope everyone will do the same !
And another cool (?) idea…
After fucking a girl, instead of her disappearing from the scene, could she take a submissive pose on the floor/bed/couch. This would be especially cool for the multi-target scenes.
eg. She was just fucked, and now lays face down in a puddle of cum on the floor while you fuck her friends. HOW friggin cool would THAT be!
Already had this idea, dear friend, lol, but for pregnant girls, lining up on the side of the scene !
But I'm not sure everyone would appreciate, it should be optionnal, because for example "lying down submissively" as you say usually chill me down instead of exciting me, and I already seen comments about people really cut from their pleasure by seing pregnant consequences on their hentai fantasies.
So it will need a some work and thinks
Yeah.. the pregnant thing is kinda "meh" for me. But It's all good. Overall I like this game and see it as a real kick the adult gaming sector needs. There are WAY TOO MANY Japanese adult games that are complete bullshit. Slapped together pictures with conversation text between. What we need is INTERACTIVITY.
Maybe instead of "lying down submissively" I should have said "Passed OUT".
Just keep in mind if you go the way of lined up pregnant chicks.. 9 months do not happen in the blink of an eye.
'not in a blink of an eye' : yes, but it's all about symbolism and the kick it gives.
Too bad anyway KoPC is still not really spreading on the web, as far as I know.
Seen it somewhere ?