The Sex Pit v1.6 and other news!

Hi my dear ones!

Good news today, for all Sex Pit lovers out there : due to your continuous mentions of how you would like for this game to improve, and to Lazram great help & support on many aspects regarding it, here comes a long awaited patch!

Only technical stuff on this one, but know that I plan to incorporate all KoPC new engine tweaks back to The Sex Pit, along with additionnal poses and clothes already present in KoPC. (already said that, no ? I don’t know, I lose tracks of everything, sometimes, lol)
When, I don’t know, the MMO need a tremendous amount of focus and attention, for now (programmers and project managers will surely understand you can’t walk in and out of projects like you do of a kitchen ^^).
But I’ll make time!

That said, changelogs :

Bugs :
- “End of Night” report can go beyond 9,999$ gain, now.
- Pregnancy now appears on xray.
- Bubbles red glow problem.
- Title screen misplacement and other visual approximations fixed.
- Fame dropping by 5 every night fixed!

Improvements :
- “Client Served” bubble ABOVE sex pose, so it doesn’t mask the xray.
- “Perfect fuck” is now worth (money gain)*2. (potential combo with “virgins” for money*6)
- Chances of “perfect fuck” overrides chance of STD.
- Random anal
- Trackers for number of clients and number of pregnancies, in girls stats.
- Local leaderboard of your score (in cookie save). (if I can’t make global leaderboard work, at least you have that!)

THE LINK (reload a few times, if needed, to get the newest version)

How to help the games easily : must read !

Usual note : latest version of the game is only available on !
One game for everyone, one place for everyone, easy and quick.

Enter the den of the beast once again...

Enter the den of the beast once again...


As for the MMO : things are progressing!
Averagely, I would say. Some good surprises, some bad, but overall it goes more or less the speed I expected.
So, the objective has not change : delivering you as quick as possible an alpha version, that will be barely playable and interesting, but playable anyway, so we will be able to improve it from there!
(just like KoPC started, with only a few poses, a few customs and 4 scenarios, lol! Look where we are, now!)

Check out the “mmo current state” page, I try to update it as regularly as I can, so you know what is happening.

For now, I’m finishing main character creation segment, and then I’ll start building the very heart of the game!
(cross all fingers you have I don’t have too much bad surprises there, lol, awaiting for me in the dark!)

Step by step, ouh baby! (yeah, I know, old joke :p)

Step by step, ouh baby! (yeah, I know, old joke :p)

Keep the support flowing, you know it’s deeply appreciated and really converting into factual games and updates! I’m a complex machine, I need maintenance and combustible to work well ;)
Hentai kisses for you, and you, and you! Hentai kisses for everyone!

KoPC november update!

Hi my beautiful people !

Big ass update done here, I hope you will enjoy all the good stuff that has been cooking!
Trucks of new straight ahead! Completely mixed up, but I didn’t see how to sort them out another way!

- There’s been a complete break down and do-over of the coloring system, for skin as for hairs, based on massive externalisation ! (cf previous blog for further infos, but that was just huuuuuge). But just a quick recap :
- 12 times less work when adding a new hair, or skin, or any head or face expression
- at LEAST 12 times less heavy for the game to load (supposedly)
- infinite less time of work when I add any color
- open new mmo opportunity
- side : could bring back hair ondulations

In consequences and addition :
- Complete refont of special heads & colors & body types : now you can choose male demon head on female body type with green color or any other combination without anything imposed. (added a few shortcut buttons, though)
- All girl’s hairs externalised! (head, front, back parts) Game should be way lighter to run!
- +8 new hair colors!
- Hair color sorted for randomized men. They will not have pink or green hair, for example, while you personnally can still choose them.
- +13 new skin color (2 times the existing number !), containing 2 variations for each race skin (caucasian, african, etc…) among other ones.
- Deletion of the “nipple color” parameter for main character. (can’t have everything ^^)
- All tshirt, bras, panties, pants, stockings, shoes & hats have been externalised, for girls. Game should be way lighter to run!
- “Yoga bras” system broke down. Now comes with +6 new corresponding panties !
- Fix on most ass pieces of clothes.
- +9 new gym/sports random outfits!!
- +2 new swimsuits!!
- +7 new stockings : 1 fishnet, 1 lingerie, and 5 type of socks!
- Blank tattoos ! (shoulder and ass, + random increased for guys to have a blank tattoo) (dutchlove)
- All man hairs & beards externalised! Running the game should be lighter!
- +4 new moustaches!! (dutchlove)
- +2 new beards!!
- Man upper arm design & torsos improved!

- “Dismiss” function problem fixed!
- Complete re-check of all poses, to put feet behind calfs (with a little knee connexion improvement)
- Fixes on “adult birdy” pose and a few other “reverted abdomen” poses.
- Lots of details fixed on “deeper”, “dog grip”, “dog back” and lots of other poses!
- Residual xray tongues problem adressed!
- Fixes on location problem on “fisting”, “assjob” on several other poses (that were spawning not centered at all) !
- Brand new pose : foreplay-threesome to show lesbian action! (young & adult versions) (a long-time asked one, by CS, jedijay & others)
- Brand new foreplay pose : kissing! (young & adult versions) (master)
- A fully hidden pose, ouh, secret secret!

- Problem with “swimming center” building showing “warehouse” image fixed.
- Map reorganization and arrangements, global as inside buildings.
- +4 Brand New Sets! The penthouse (special “building” location with several weather), the Movie Studio, the Lingerie Shop, and the Rich House!
- +9 new scenarios to go with them!
- Other new various contributed scenarios : main campaign “family bonds” (winter house), +1 for “end of the world” campaign, +3 for “nudist” one, +1 for “happy sex” one!

But there’s more, with Rancid that gave me material to add ton of new stuff!
- +14 brand new outfits!!! Maid, Catwoman, Wonderwoman, Powergirl, Razorgirl, April O’Neil, Scientist, Officer, Rags, Chains, Soldier, Vault Dweller, Virgin Robe, and Princess one!
- Also +6 regular scenarios, and +18 “end of the world” campaign ones!!
- A brand new special set : the Vault! (fallout lovers will appreciate, I think ^^)

So I did some personnal changes and additions regarding that, among which :
- Map and intro text background change for “end of the world” campaign!
- Also added “trashed” versions for “church”, “penthouse”, “park” and “stadium” sets! (for the ambiance!)
- Re-done customization panel, given how many new outfits and new colors we have now!

And finally, countless small visual or technical details/bugs, the list is just far too long and I just stop taking notes at some point, lol!

TO ACCESS new “threesome foreplay”, just click another girl when doing foreplay. (same as x-some, just in a different game phase!)

THE LINK (reload a few times, if needed, to get the newest version)

How to help the game easily : must read !

Usual note : latest version of the game is only available on !
It’s the point of a sponsor’s exclusivity, and it’s just simplier that way !
So don’t ask for versions elsewhere or trust other sites to have the latest one, just go on !
One game for everyone, one place for everyone, easy and quick.

The movie set, a place a sins and lust...

The movie set, a place a sins and lust...

One of the new set : the lingery shop!

Another one of the new set : the lingery shop!

Ouuuh yeah, new outfits for everyone!

Ouuuh yeah, new outfits for everyone!


On other note :
- A patch for the Sex Pit should come up soon ;) (bug & technicalities only, for now :p)
- Later, we could include all new KoPC engine color tweaks and poses fixes/additions in it, but I’ll wait for your throrough examination of its functionning in current state in KoPC, first.
- MMO is started! I got the overall mechanic, and commissionned the first drawings to begin building a ragdoll structure! Hope to get an alpha as soon as possible (even ultra raw :p)
- Yet, my Patreon goes really downhill since a few weeks, instead of getting the astonishing support other creators get for doing ten times less, so I really hope we can get through and give our project a chance to happen, lol. Cross fingers and spread the word on hentai forums, while I work hard for the alpha!

Anyway! Keep supporting the hard work as you can, you know it’s a team effort (couldn’t do all this on my own!) and that you are awesome and appreciated for all you already did and keep doing, and enjoy the jiggidy hoppity hentai fun!

See ya soon! Comment the hell out of this update!

KoPC update W.I.P ! (and new poll)

Hi everyone !
‘Been working hard lately (as usual those past months ^^) to keep the great news, games and updates coming!

First, notice the new poll, for the coming MMO, because I would like to get it right, right from the start!
Too much ideas, in fact, I think we will HAVE to do more than one MMO anyway, to extinguish our lust and creativity!
But we have to start somewhere, so, tell me where!
(also : there was a small bug in the vote, too bad no one told me before! :p)


Next : KoPC update is progressing very well !
I started working on it as soon as Sex Racers was out (and between patches for it), to gain as much time as possible. It will contain a little of everything, as usual, but also a major and critical update on the engine!

Thing is, I was able to “externalize” colors, and body parts!!!
Before, when we wanted any part to have a different color (hair or skin), I had to DRAW this part, with this color.
Meaning adding one hair color, for example, implied drawing a clone of EVERY existing hair parts, to put this new color in it.
As well, adding any new hair meant adding one of it… plus as many clone as there is actual colors !
Imagine that for every nose, every ear, every hand, thigh, calf, type of boob, tails, etc…
Tremendous work.

Now, with this revolution, I can affect a color directly to a basic part.
Meaning the process isn’t related anymore. If I want to add colors, I can just add colors, without multiplying the work on parts, and vice-versa.

In the same way, every character were containing, as for now, every single custom possibility, in itself.
Talk about engine overload : that’s probably one of the reason the game was so slow, on some computers.
Because you “saw” one character, but every hair, clothes, sizes and colors for EVERYTHING was there to, to allow fast access. (how do you think I was carrying the customs from one pose to another ?)
I took the necessary huge time to break all that down, and now you only have what you really see ! (well… mostly)
And customs are just imported right on scene to fit specifications!
It was hardcore work beyond imagination, but it’s saving me even more future work!

oooh boy, lots of new colors to come!!

oooh boy, lots of new colors to come!!

The “pros” are awesome :
1) It’s just, basically, dividing all work by at least 12 (for hair or skin colors, for example).
For most of it, it’s not so much it divides the work, but more it “unlocks” possibilities.
I could always had any hair I wanted, before, but that meant hours of work, so I just didn’t do it.
Now, I CAN plan to add things without getting into depression, lol! :D
The engine isn’t getting any more pressure from it anymore!

2) It may be dividing the visual charge when running the game by the same amount.
I don’t feel such a difference when running it, but working on it definitely is a lot lighter and less laggy !

3) The workspace is now much more efficient. I could change what some arms looks like, for example, without having to re-do the changes 12 times over! I got every externalised part, color or clothes properly re-adjust, and was able to fix countless details during the process!
Clean start!

4) It will definitely impact, in a MAJOR way, on my future games, MMO in front!
I was already thinking “gosh, if I want to do a new ragdoll system, I got to think about “characters multiplied by heads multiplied by hairs multiplied by colors”, etc…
Now, at least the color is right out of the equation, it becomes very simple !
That doesn’t solve everything, far from it, but that’s a big relief for me. Now I know HOW to do all that!

5) I tried to externalise the whole ragdoll engine, as motivated as I was, so I could use it in any future game separately (Sex Pit could have benefited from every KoPC update, for example), and have every game improved at the same time when improving the customs engine !
And it….. fail miserably.
…well, you can’t have it all. :/
But I will try again in a year, lol, who knows ? :D

6) You’ll see it brings back side stuff, too, like the hair animation, for example, lol.
(will not work on that for the coming update, though, already have enough on my plate as it is ^^)
Or the hair dye (it brings up weird & fun colors, I need to dig into that)

So !
Conclusion ?
I’m freaking happy and exhausted at the same time.
The bad news ? I don’t think it’s visually showing at all.
I mean, when I add new colors and all, yes, you see the new content, but the engine change in itself is just… one of this backstage thing, alas.
But still, great news ! And new colors there are, to celebrate all that !

Now I get back to work : new sets, poses, scenarios and all to finish in order to release the update!

Keep supporting the hard work, financially when you can, I love you for that, and you know it’s worth it : games and stuff comes out for everyone to enjoy, and I always loved to listen to your wishes and include them in our games when I can!

(PS : Sex Pit is on the table again, Lazram and a few other keep asking for it, be sure to do the same and show your worth!)