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Suspended in gaffa
Hello my beautiful ones!
Seems this month will not be the cornucopia of hentai last december was!
I tried my best, but unfortunately, I can’t bend the space-time continuum yet!
But I can’t say I didn’t try, lol!
YTPP 4 well started, even if those games are always very long to do, I still didn’t figure out why.
It seems to me they aren’t THAT big, but I always end up having weeks and weeks of hard work to make them!
Working my ass off on Sexforge, too, of course. So many structural and conceptual questions and problems.
None especially difficult (even if we have a few bad surprises here and there), but it’s still some ant’s work, step by step, brick by brick, to assemble the first core draft.
After that it will go much more smoothly, like for KoPC (which first year was a very slow mess, before getting much easier and awesome), but for now : work work work
Plus I did some very interesting gadgets for my patreons supporters & donators.
Not everybody can help, but I still like to reward a little those who do, even if it breaks the conceptual point of donation, I know, which is to support without counterpart something existing, not trying to get something out of it. But whatever, I did this on my own, no one asked, lol
My dear artist SuperSatanSon is planning a big game of his own, too, and I give him some of my skills and time.
Everyone would gain from this, if we manage to deliver another nice hentai baby. Probably not before months, though, far too early, for now.
Plus I got a private commission for a minigame, yeahee! (that I will not start right now, though, I have to finish YTPP and maybe Sexforge demo first, at least)
Which reminds me to tell all of you, people : I’m open to flash minigames commissionning.
Everything got to be discussed, from then, of course, But don’t hesitate if you have some money and a very specific personnal wish I could help you with!
All that aside, IRL stuff, too. You know, the thing we all try to do with more or less success, and which try to vampire out all the time and energy we have and would like to put in grandiose projects, lol
Anyway, loads of thanks for your continuous support, though, I can never say that enough. It gets me (us!) through all this and so much more!
See you soon for great releases, I hope!
News from backstage
Hi my dear hentai lovers!
I wish you well and my best for the year to come!
So, what’s the situation ? Let’s make some news!
Sexforge : the patreon page, promotion and teaser took me a loooot of work, as well as backboning the game with proper structures and engines, that take sooo long to develop. (once its done, things will start flowing much more easily, though, but for now it’s the frustrating yet necessary part). Loads of artistic and game design discussions, too. Damn this project will be great, but damn it asks for so much work, team or not, lol
The support is going really great and is building up, though.
Couldn’t do anything without it, the project eats everything, for now, lol!
(I hope my landlord will give me a little slack for a few months, lol, huhuhu ^^)
KoPC & Sex Pit : with Sexforge page being independant, I will have much more clarity on the main patreon page & donations to invest into updates for those games!
I plan on doing some kind of poll about all that, though, so you can prioritize what I should work on first when I’ll be able to!
Coming stuff : as for now, I started a new YTPP game, with the help of SuperSatanSon! (see concept art above)
I annoyed the poor lad constantly to get the very feeling and details I wanted, but it comes out great.
(and at least it comes out, lol! Me and “drawing”, it really doesn’t work great, as time goes…)
I also have some very ambiant idea about something else, another really nice minigame.
But as I already got sooooo much work, to do almost all by myself, let’s try to deal with what’s at hand, first, right ?
So, overall, things are going great! The year is starting too slow for my taste, but I raised the bar so much… it can’t always be Christmas, lol! But we will get there, progress is here.
Fap yourselves, Hentai is coming!
Sexforge : making the leg split!

Here it goes, my dear hentai lovers! A specific patreon page for Sexforge, our hentai clicker rpg project!
(yeah, “mmo” too, but has the polls showed you weren’t specifically into that for now, and has it will come in a second time, after the single player core game works out, we decided to get back to calling it “rpg”)
Join the galactic adventure at !
This page may be unexpected (outside the few collaborators that suggested it), but I wanted to have a quiet time to make this split, so we don’t get confuse.
Reason of this specific page is exactly that : clearing confusion!
It will be a little harder for me, to handle both pages, but the “pros & cons” are indeed obvious.
Now, Sexforge specific support will be identified, and I can invest every single penny of it without doubting what players wanted to support.
Now, I will be able to foresee the percentage of players that excitingly expect KoPC & Sexpit updates and other games.
Now, I will be able to start promotion of the SexForge project, without wondering for what game do patreon newcomers are really here for.
Now, I will be able to have much better transparency for Sexforge funds, for collaborators, players and investments planning.
The activity on both page should be a little chaotic at first, and probably less intense than before as reports & news will now be split and oriented to their own pages, obviously.
And this is not an alpha release of anything, alas, the game is still in development! (killing my head on the questing system, those days, damn!)
BUT, now the situation will be much clearer!
I have lots of banners I could share with you to spread the word about the game, but I think it’s better to wait for me to provide at least an alpha version. (what’s your opinion on that ?)
Note : as for the blog, nothing will change, it will still receive in-depths news about everything.
Note 2 : yeah, I could do specific pages for everything, or at least KoPC or SexPit, for the same reasons, but I feel I can’t split myself that much, at least for now, I need to learn how to and see how things go. I’m only human
Enjoy, and thks for your support!