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Quickie quickie coco pops.
Hi, my beautiful ones!
Some infos to keep you posted, as usual!
First : not a lot of feedbacks on latest game to date.
Especially for Crazy-X. It’s his first game, it’s important, guys!
Think about what couldn’t had happen, if I didn’t had some fun support on my very first game, lol ! No KoPC ! No YTPP ! No Sex Pit ! World war 4 ! Alien invasion ! End of the world ! Cosmic conflagration ! Realities crushing down and… what ? Yeah, yeah, I know, it may be a little too much.
So, if you missed it or just didn’t had the time to check it out, see the post and drop a little something :
Also : working hard on KoPC update !
Going great, new stuff ahead, and lots of regular content update here and there to build up the whole stuff, it seems it worked fine as for now.
I’m also focusing on engine improvement, as you may have notice the “games are too heavy & slow on my computer to work properly” song comes a lot in my mouth, those days.
So, it’s nothing really “visible”, but it’s a complete game changer for me, trust me.
As example, see the scenarios handler panel simplifications I made, right under :
Even without any flash knowledge, you can guess things looks “lighter”.
Tons of stuff of that kind, will not really show, but it took me lots of time, and it was critical.
Alas I couldn’t make poses less heavier than I would want to.
That’s still a big big thing, which block me from doing more “X-some” glorious incrementation.
But hey, step by step!
I won’t reveal too much, you’ll see aaaaalllll the rest in the update, which should come soon!
(not in the coming week, but we can still hope ^^)
Cheers !
Yeah I’m waiting for update… I can see my campaign there on the screenshot ^^
Will there be some new places to fuck in?
And I try too, for new places, even if that’s uneasy