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News from backstage
Hi my dear hentai lovers!
I wish you well and my best for the year to come!
So, what’s the situation ? Let’s make some news!
Sexforge : the patreon page, promotion and teaser took me a loooot of work, as well as backboning the game with proper structures and engines, that take sooo long to develop. (once its done, things will start flowing much more easily, though, but for now it’s the frustrating yet necessary part). Loads of artistic and game design discussions, too. Damn this project will be great, but damn it asks for so much work, team or not, lol
The support is going really great and is building up, though.
Couldn’t do anything without it, the project eats everything, for now, lol!
(I hope my landlord will give me a little slack for a few months, lol, huhuhu ^^)
KoPC & Sex Pit : with Sexforge page being independant, I will have much more clarity on the main patreon page & donations to invest into updates for those games!
I plan on doing some kind of poll about all that, though, so you can prioritize what I should work on first when I’ll be able to!
Coming stuff : as for now, I started a new YTPP game, with the help of SuperSatanSon! (see concept art above)
I annoyed the poor lad constantly to get the very feeling and details I wanted, but it comes out great.
(and at least it comes out, lol! Me and “drawing”, it really doesn’t work great, as time goes…)
I also have some very ambiant idea about something else, another really nice minigame.
But as I already got sooooo much work, to do almost all by myself, let’s try to deal with what’s at hand, first, right ?
So, overall, things are going great! The year is starting too slow for my taste, but I raised the bar so much… it can’t always be Christmas, lol! But we will get there, progress is here.
Fap yourselves, Hentai is coming!
HAH! Remembered how to comment!
Looking forward to all the updates! the TYPP will be good to play (the concept looks good! is that a mirror? We do so abuse our artists, don’t we XD)
Would be nice to hear about this minigame you have in mind
I look forward to seeing more.
Remember, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish that matters haha. starting slow, you’re laying down the groundwork for good stuff!
“Laying down the groundwork”, indeed! I got to keep that in mind
For the rest, I’m overdoing myself a lot, but we shall get there, with a some patience.
For the mirror, yeah, but there’s tricks around. (I didn’t jump into mutiplying everyone’s work by 2, haha ^^ Though in 3D hentai work like you do, it could be a viable option :p)
Thx for the support, it’s deeply appreciated and put to good use!
(”+10 mana”)
Stoked for a new YTTP. My favorite minigame by far.
Thx! Always nice to know it’s gonna be appreciated when finished!
that concept art looks great
The perks of having a real artist to help me put flesh to all those kinky hentai ideas!
Well, it’s been a while since my last comment here but…
keep your great work
also, the concept art looks awesome
Thx! I will!
And yeah, because the concept looks very great, I don’t want to spoil the final result, so I may develop this one undercover, and just give you people the finished game to enjoy!
Keep supporting the hard work, it’s most appreciated!
(especially when going through a frustrating month like this one, lol)
Would you be willing to repost your various drawings and other art somewhere? I remember Hentai Foundry took some of it down.
Depends on which one you talk about
My private art is too scarce, too raw and too offensive to be posted anywhere, alas.
But game pictures and all, yes, I don’t mind them spreading on the web (quite the opposite).
I personnally don’t have the time for that, especially when you see hentai-foundry is rejecting everything I try to post there, even when it’s SuperSatanSon professionnal art (which, on his own page, get accepted right away! Yes, hentai-foundry ISN’T fair at all, and got its “black list” and “white list”. Ask Zed, first commenter on this post, lol, he knows!).
So, in the end : yeah, I already struggle and work so hard on doing games, I let you, my dears players, collect the pictures and spread it somewhere, if you want
“My private art is too scarce, too raw and too offensive to be posted anywhere, alas.”
my curiousity is killing me
Well, you have some in the “scraps” section of my hentai-foundry page, lol ! That’s already something. And as you can see, it’s doesn’t look good at all, and I don’t draw much, don’t bang your head on the walls
i tried but while it says there are 11 scraps, when i click on the tab there is nothing there, like they are hidden or something
Must be because of your filters, that leaves out those contents.
Try playing with advanced search, or create an account to configure those settings to max and see them
No, even without filters they don’t show.
Then even hentai-foundry won’t hold them :/
I can’t single-handedly change the internet and all those limited hentai websites, lol! (as much as I respect the reason and purposes of laws regarding pornographic fetishes..)