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Sweet sweet 2018!
So so ! What’s new under the sun, you might ask?
Those posts really are too spreaded accross time, but with so much output, it’s not like I have a choice, alas!
Sexforge news, School Breeding Orgy updates : you name it! Tons of them!
And the rest? Like review that via a few pics!

A new KoPC update, with loads of new poses, outfits, sets and fixes? Yeah, sure, you got it!

Some X-mas delight? Alright! Futas codes all around, (KoPC as for all PBs), and new Santa sets, outfits and scenarios!

2 new PB episodes! Starting with icy lonely but sexy Elsa!

... and the infamous gorgeous Princess Peach, caught in a weird race!

And last but gloriously not least to date : a SexPit superb update, tiyng up a looooot of loose ends since last time!
There’s always more hentai around, the arousal never ends!
Enjoy those threats, they are all free to play! (except Sexforge and a few rewards for supporters, of course, but it’s only fair!)
Happy new year 2017!!
Hello my beautiful ones, and my best wishes for 2017!!
It’s time for a look back in the past, and to the future too!
First, let’s celebrate a fucking massive amazing year of hentai!!
Thanks to your continuous dedication in creating a good ambiance in our community, it’s still a pleasure to try my inhuman best and work triple shifts to provide you (us) all good hentai games!!
I already said it before, but I say it again : in those kind of “one-man-army” things, the moral is the most critical point, above all others, and is what will create motivation and fuel the gigantic amount of meticulous work involved!
Some early fans know it, others may not, but I was making “all public” games, before switching to hentai, years ago.
And the biggest reasons I had to quit it was because of an execrable ingrateful atmosphere, mutilating the motivation to keep going, to keep improving, to keep providing what is, in the end, free gifts of fun games!
Some people needs a little kick in the nuts to get to work, I admit. I sure am NOT one of those people, and if my games are not perfect (and they aren’t), see how insanely more efficient some good positive feedbacks made them, through the years!
From a crappy KoPC alpha to more than a dozen glorious hentai games, constantly improving with time, released at a stupendous rate : compare with what most hentai creators are doing, they are eating dust a looooong way behind!
And it comes from this simple alchemy : positivity, to fuel the hard work. It’s a team thing.
Of course, there’s also the financial support of patreons, which factually creates as much time AND means to get things better, smoother and more arousing as we go & grow.
Time, means, and motivation : we got there a winning team for wonders to happen, and miracles of sexyness follow, like expected!
Let’s devour and fest on those exciting bouncing curves, and flesh our desires to unlimited horizons!!
Two thousands sex teens, a year in the making :
- 6 “Porn Bastards” games, to fuck the brain out of Ino, Holli Would, Korra, Shaundi, Tracer and April!
- 2 KoPC big updates (did I forgot one?), full of wonders, again and again!
- Countless Sexforge updates and additions, I can’t even list them!
That’s a crazy realization, it’s more than 1 game every 2 months, WITHOUT counting Sexforge growth, which is enormous!! Just wow, such lewd…
And what about the future, then?
- Sexforge : for sure it will keep growing like crazy!
- KoPC : oh yeah, you bet!
- PB series : still dozens of girls to do, count me in! Even improve past ones, if I can.
- YTPP : yep, that still excite me a lot, we’ll see!
- TiTs : I love those side arcade games, I’ll definitely come back to them!
- The Sex Pit : great perspectives ahead. (imagine if we adapt Sexforge engine to that ?)
- Jessica Rabbit’s Flesh for Porn : could be addition to that, easily.
- Wonder Woman : Fall into Porn : wrapped up as is, but who knows
- The Ghost Fucker : I still would like to make something much more kinkier out of this great concept
- Wendy Christmas : I like the experience, I could go back to that
- Sex Racers : I got so much plans for this jewel! Huhuhu…
- Other games : oh yes, plenty! If only you knew, you couldn’t wait!
It’s a global new year summary, but I think it’s pretty much it : it was a very intense year, and we made wonders, and I don’t have the slightest desire to stop or slow down, but quite the contrary a burning desire to make much much more, oh yes!
So what say you? Let’s make kinky hentai, yeah?
Fresh sunny days!
Hi my dear hentai lovers!
Just a bunch of quick news for you all!
Sexforge is still building up great! There mustn’t be a lot of you who don’t follow the patreon page, but it’s worth saying anyway!
Still have two main concerns, though :
1 – big modules to program ahead. It won’t be a problem, but it sure won’t be easy and it sticks on my mind. We will all feel more blissful when it’s done, for sure!
2 – major problems in finding additionnal team members for this project. Even in pro circuit, where I try to employ assistants, additionnal animators, writers or artists : it seems there’s no one interested or “reliable” around, and that’s a big stress for me.
+ the time invested in searching! I’ve spent dozen of hours contacting people, trying to explain them what I want, training them, giving them time, ressources and all, and still doesn’t have anyone to show for it. “Argh” is the precise word.
But hey, things are progressing, still, so it’s not bad news. It’s just I would like to be able to increase a lot more my output to give life to my ideas. (as incredible as it already is, for a “one-man” team, lol)
Other news : Jessica’s game is about to be released! I work 32 hours a day to finish it properly and sexily, lately.
And now it’s done! Waiting for host’s response, now, but it’s great news again !
That’s all for current work news, I’ve been focusing on those to free some time for the rest, there’s just so much one man can do per day!
With Jessica done, and some luck breakthrough on Sexforge teamwork, I should get a lot more time to get to other stuff!
That said, with so many projects around (LP, SexRacers, SexPit, KoPC, TiTs, YTPP, etc…), and still so much I would like to pull off (we don’t even scratch the top of my ideas and desires, lol), the only real way would be to have teammates, yes, an army of minions I could employ for all the tiny very doable tasks that would make everything progress a lot at the same time!
(so much I could easily delegate and which could do wonders for all those games… It’s just hundreds of small cuttable hours I don’t have!)
Or a cloning potion.
Talk about living with frustration, lol
Let’s zen it out, and focus on progressing one step at a time!
After all, we already pull out so much together, from the humble “KoPC alpha” beginning!
A dozen games, 3 or 4 major projects, and growing!
Let’s rejoice, and keep going on!
The Sex Pit v2.2 patch!!
Hi my spring lovers!
With a lot of crafty feedbacks on v2.0 of Sex Pit, and some ugly bugs left, I took some time to work back on it a little.
And one thing leading to another… well, you know me : lots of new features! ^^
List of news :
Bugs fixed :
- big saving problems (with new girls and all)
- furry/RAZ problem (not sure on this one. Someone said you couldn’t come back from furry custom, even with RAZ. Tried my best!)
- hard difficulty mode button overlaying.
- unlimited money “pregnant farming” glitch
- beat up option not working.
Improves :
- no more dotted/cummed penises on side clients. (+ penis coloring)
- music/sound button : crossed when off.
- quality button.
- hotkeys! Use 1 to 9 to choose girls during game! (0/+/- for girl 10/11/12)
- “skip/end animation” button during fucks ^^
A NEW LINK (beware ^^) on the disliked but alas very quick!
How to help those games easily : must read !
For those who wonders : I grow to dislike newgrounds because anytime I tried releasing something there, in the last 10 years, I receive a whole bunch of insults, ultra harsh and rude critics, and lots of “get the hell out of NG, with your awfully bad and stupid work!”, with a very few nice words drowning in an ocean of hate.
Worth thing being, I know several very good creators who got demotivated to do anymore games because of that kind of treatment too, there. So, yep, even when they are nice, I can’t help but feel very stressed when I post something on NG.
This is how some communities turn to the dark side and kill everything good, alas!
Anyway, Sex Pit 2.2, YOU are awesome, enjoy, have fun, fap well, eat vegetables, see ya soon!
The Sex Pit v2.0 !!
Hi hentai warriors!
As some of you already know, the Sex Pit v2.0 is finally out! (yeaaahh!! All praise the Hentai Lords!!)
I was able to make the best addition I wanted for this game since the beginning : events!
And loads of them! Plus all kind of other serious additions that will spice deliciously your every day routine!
Let’s rock!
List of news :
Bug fixed :
- Perfect fuck happening only on “near” skin/hair, but not on “perfect” skin/hair : fixed.
- Visual artefact on “+XX” pop values erased.
- Sex poses “Birdy” & “Stand screw” pregnant belly problem fixed.
Improvements :
- Pop “+100″ at random location on the Bar.
- New “client served” message
- Standing animation cancelled (for engine overload).
- How many client left in the day
- Cops uniform for men (related to new “events”)
- More hair colors for girls!
- Better save of customs!
Big Cheese :
- STD put as a status, like “pregnant” or “virgin”. 5% max chance to catch, depend on hygiene, cure effect added to “doctor’s” option.
- Bribe the police (whoop whoop), and cancel all risk increase for one night.
- New event system : + 28 exclusive challenges and opportunities !!! Some very easy, some hard, but all adding to the ambiance of your brothel’s daily life!
THE LINK (reload a few times, if needed, to get the newest version)
How to help those games easily : must read !
Usual note : latest version of the game is only available on !
One game for everyone, one place for everyone, easier and quicker.
As for the rest of news, still progressing on a lot of stuff at the same time, and still far too slow in my opinion, and on stuff that will not be really “playable”/”viewable” for everyone or soon : a private commission (buy more, I love working on those! I learn a lot of stuff trying to shape your unspeakable fantasies ^^), Lust Planet (which is a long run project, so don’t get too too impatient yet!), or Sexforge (I wish days had 72 hours each, at the very least, lol!)
But I’ll try to squeeze in some global gud game after that!
Also, regarding the Sex Pit itself, we bounced some opinions and concepts with Lazram, and there’s still really really fun stuff left to do, in this game! This dark road will keep on going!
In any way, enjoy the games, keep supporting the hard work, and I’ll keep making my very best (and much more) to entertain and to provide you good deeds!
Interlude my love.
Hi, my beautiful ones!
Alas not much to say for now, last couple of weeks have been… well, as incredibly productive as usual (compared to what all other creators do, once again ^^), but it still feels a little empty and slow!
I must have some crazy bean bouncing in my head, for being so unsatisfied whatever I do, lol!
First thing is : next Sex Pit update. Ready (and even fixed!) since more than a week, my host is still taking a looong time to upload it. Once again, I shouldn’t beat myself up : I already released Ghost Fucker not even 2 weeks ago, after releasing the Sexforge alpha in beginning of Marsh, if I remember ? (I lose track so fast, lol), and now I’m complaining I didn’t make a 3 game release in only one single microscopic month! Damn!
Well… it’s pending, anyway!
I started my part on the Lust Planet project of SuperSatanSon, too. It’s very promising, and progressing much faster than I thought! (life gives and life takes away!) Not around the corner anytime soon, but that’s still good news!
About Sexforge, a bunch of stuff. Notably new NPCs, location and quest, and more to come!
Also, I progressed a little on the “backstage team gathering work” :
- I’ve contacted a new potential animator, to help me out producing even more games & contents, lol
- I was able to implement proof-reading tools in the QuestMaker, and got myself a serious proof-reader in the person of WC Gordan (yes, yes, the one that contributed a lot to KoPC! The man himself), because it’s ALWAYS necessary. Especially with me.
Working on a very fun and sexy private commission, too
Plus a truck loads of other details, IRL or not, problematic or not.
Well… yes, that’s a looooot of work done, in fact, I don’t know why I keep thinking there’s too few stuff happening. O_o
Anyway, brace yourselves, more hentai is coming!!(yeaaaah!!!)
What’s up, buttercup ?
So, what’s new since last time ?
Well, I finally released Sexforge alpha version!!
It’s been a long struggle, but it’s now “playable”.
That said, there’s not a lot more than a few minutes of gameplay, but the structure is here, now, ready to be built upon, and I felt it was important to release something, so supporters have something to really put their teeth in, aside all w.i.p pics shared on the patreon page.
As previously mentionned, it’s a closed alpha, with early access only for patreon supporters or paypal donators that wanted access, for now.
The game will keep on growing, and when we reach a version not only playable but fun and with significant content, and we made sure it runs more or less smoothly, I’ll open the game for everyone.
This release took time, some patreons got really confused on how to figure their accesses, despite loads of explanation from me. Well, probably my bad, but in the end we got there.
Feel free to jump in the boat and talk about the Sexforge project, if you’re still not in, of course!
(links on top side & right side of the page, all around ^^)
That aside, what else ?
Waiting for results on my main patreon page campaign, I took up on a commission one of you asked me.
It was really nice to work on some specific demand like that, and it came up very nicely!
I’ll try to get the result out there, in a few weeks, for the rest of you people to enjoy!
(but for now, I let the commissionner enjoy his fruits and candies ^^)
And now, it’s time to get back on the Sex Pit update we talked about!
Well, that and Sexforge continuity, I’ll split myself in 2, like usual.
(I would like to get a bunch of NPCs and quests out for Sexforge by the end of the month, it will take some work time!)
Globally, things are getting better, this month, it seems.
I learned a lot of tricks, I start to get things done, I’m improving and feel like knowing better how to re-focus on pure hentai fun. All that is good! So let’s get cranking!
New YTPP 4 is out !
Hi everyone!
It’s been a long struggle and a game of hide and seek but we’re finally here : YTPP episode 4 is out!!
This one’s been planned since a looooong time. I had the idea since before YTPP 2, but I never had the chance to put it in real flesh!
Thx to SuperSatanSon amazing skills, I was able to shape it the way I wanted it, both learning a few new tricks in the process, which is always good. And  now I have a new viciously colorful tale to offer you!
A few (easy) easters eggs, a nice rule34 without drifting away from the serie’s spirit, and small overall improvements on lots of stuff, + a nice twisted story as usual !
Not much to say I don’t already stated and explained in previous blog’s posts, so, time to enjoy !
YTPP 4 : #Selfie! –
So, other news ?
I got a few commissions still uncertain, but I would be glad to work on and start when I can Reminded me this point was unclear, but : Â I AM open to commissions.
I’m not used to them, so we always need to discuss things first, I can’t give you prices & specifications cold grids, but it’s well known I could do with more money, even if just to buy a new real computer (mines are still 10 years old broken things, ugh!), and I’m always up to put my few skills to use to give flesh to your fantasy!
So, be sure to ask!
That says, still sprinting (not “rushing”, it would implied I’m half-assing stuff, which I sure don’t!) to finish the Sexforge alpha demo, to give supporters something for their efforts.
Should be a private demo needing early access codes, given to processed patreon supporters only, though, so be sure to to get on board before the month ends if you’re still not.
And if you don’t/can’t give 1$ to the thing, don’t worry, the game will open to everyone, later, when in more advanced state. (and I’ll keep doing other games aside during the wait!)
Oh, and also something a few people asked : yes, paypal donations can work as patreon support, to give accesses or bonus codes for all previous games and stuff, you just need to inform me you want your donation to work as patreon support, and I’ll handle it manually.
Speaking of other games, Sex Pit update should be next. I put it to vote, not really knowing what you would prefer, and it came up like that, far before everything else. Should be a significant update, with events and all.
But I got noooo idea how it will goes or all it will contain, for now.
(yeah, I’ve been “kind of” working on several other projects and taking care of other stuff, lol, didn’t really had some peaceful quiet time to get deep with it and figure details, but we’ll get there!)
And now ? Now I get back to work on Sexforge, yaaaaah !!
February, my love…
Hi everyone !
Some quick news, for those of you who aren’t on my patreon pages (which I keep updated a lot, gosh, I should slow down a little to invest this time in even more hentai work, arf !).
Lately, the shit have hit the fan, for me, and I got a truck load of problems from everywhere. (mostly IRL but not only)
I’m coping and try to clean all this mess, don’t worry too much for me, but damn, early 2015 is really not the best one I had!
That aside : mainly working on Sexforge, those days.
I have hopes to get an alpha version out before march, if I keep going on good.
That said, access to this early release will be reserved to patreon supporters, as they factually finance this stuff, and I would like to reward it properly. You know I’ll keep providing free games around, and that Sexforge will be free to access too when it’s improved some more, don’t cry ^^
(or just get 1$ processed on the Sexforge patreon page or through a specific paypal donation, that will do the trick)
I would like to finish YTPP 4, in parallel of that. Well, I’m halfway through, so there’s still tons of stuff to do, but I really want to get this done too!
I created some “patreon contributions/paypal donations” program, too, that allows to unlock/redeem codes for all current and past hentai games I made.
It works perfectly, it’s an awesome automatic “pick your fav’” stuff, but alas is not responding to my e-mails since last christmas, and not reuploading all the games for the code interfaces to appear!
So, it’s delayed until further notice, and out of my control, crap!
Got a few bucks and opinion feedbacks on next stuff to do, that will probably be a SexPit update, after YTPP 4 is done! (and KoPC later on)
So that would be : Sexforge alpha, YTPP 4, SexPit update.
After that, we’ll see, I need to climb out of the slow sticky hole I’m in for now!
Release the hentaaiiiiii!!! Let me go, all you metaphoric IRL problems, I want to release more games!!
So, yeah : february, my love, let’s get through it!
Also, because I didn’t really talked about it here and some people might have missed it : the teaser for SexForge!
You can also play it here : Sexforge Teaser
Have fun, keep well (tons of viruses those cold days), and sing “hentaiiiiii” all together, my beautiful lads!
News from backstage
Hi my dear hentai lovers!
I wish you well and my best for the year to come!
So, what’s the situation ? Let’s make some news!
Sexforge : the patreon page, promotion and teaser took me a loooot of work, as well as backboning the game with proper structures and engines, that take sooo long to develop. (once its done, things will start flowing much more easily, though, but for now it’s the frustrating yet necessary part). Loads of artistic and game design discussions, too. Damn this project will be great, but damn it asks for so much work, team or not, lol
The support is going really great and is building up, though.
Couldn’t do anything without it, the project eats everything, for now, lol!
(I hope my landlord will give me a little slack for a few months, lol, huhuhu ^^)
KoPC & Sex Pit : with Sexforge page being independant, I will have much more clarity on the main patreon page & donations to invest into updates for those games!
I plan on doing some kind of poll about all that, though, so you can prioritize what I should work on first when I’ll be able to!
Coming stuff : as for now, I started a new YTPP game, with the help of SuperSatanSon! (see concept art above)
I annoyed the poor lad constantly to get the very feeling and details I wanted, but it comes out great.
(and at least it comes out, lol! Me and “drawing”, it really doesn’t work great, as time goes…)
I also have some very ambiant idea about something else, another really nice minigame.
But as I already got sooooo much work, to do almost all by myself, let’s try to deal with what’s at hand, first, right ?
So, overall, things are going great! The year is starting too slow for my taste, but I raised the bar so much… it can’t always be Christmas, lol! But we will get there, progress is here.
Fap yourselves, Hentai is coming!