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What’s the word, hummingbird?
It’s been some time I didn’t post here, argh!
Sorry for that, I got easily caught working on loads of stuff, you know me
So what’s up?
Well, first, a new KoPC small patch is up on MSG!
News being : new testicle size handler, new type of cock, new feature to clean cock stains, fixes on strap-on bug, main character stripping bug, virgin options bug, police outfit for main futa bug, police hat bug, and moving hair bug! (yeah, yeah, I know :p)
The link :
Also, I’ve been working on the next “Porn Bastards” minigame, depicting Holli Would!
Nothing much to show for it or tell for now, but I’ll keep you informed when it’s out, of course!
And last : Sexforge, as always!!
I released “fuck-farming” big module, added new campaigns, loads of gizmos, fixes, features and new stuff around, for always more and more galactic sexyness at its best!
As always, don’t forget to support the page (link on the right, the little space sticker, right there), if you want to jump in or just get every single news on it!
I even released a little SFM work for you 3D lovers! It’s christmas everyday
You can download a quick video loop right here :
That’s a lot of stuff happenning, the miracle of hentai life!!!
Like the wiseman says : “I don’t always post news, but when I do, there are AWESOME!!!”
Hey Mattis,
Thanks for going through and fixing those bugs – Always nice when things run smoothly
Unfortunately the link you posted seems to lead to the Ino game, not KoPC. At least when I click on it anyway. Just thought I’d give you a heads up
Hi dutchlove, how are you doing? (been here quite a while, lol :p)
It took times to come, but it’s there, as always!
Thx for the link, I’ll fix that right away!
And you’re welcome for the bugs
Hey Mattis,
Excellent work on the SFM vid. I’d love to see you make some more stuff like that.
And I would love to do more from time to time!
The futa’s butt looks bigger than usual in the top image, are you making a butt size option for the player character?
Yep, it’s unlocked via a patreon code, lol, to make all girls (futa main character included) have massive butts
you can still make the npc girls have the new butt size without the code by going into the freeplay levels and changing it yourself
bug report: one of the dick types wont visibly put a condom on even though it works as if one is on
I’ll have to take care of that indeed! Thx for the feedback!
old version recent version have click for fk this is not official webpage jut a copy
… I didn’t understood what you say, alas
Aww man I wish I knew that code.
the SFM is awesome! hope you don’t make monsters.
Nope, I focus on human psychological monsters, lol, there’s already far enough to go with!
The KOP virgin option doesn’t seem to be working in the recent update. Doesn’t seem any different from the non virgin option.
Crap, virgin option was really working great last time I checked & rechecked the update, something must have gotten lost in the process, I’ll fix that asap.
Bug report: in KoPC the main campaign I have gotten to a point where there are still a lot of unlockable scenarios, but I can’t buy a single one.
Can’t remember the last scenario I did, but here is a list of scenarios:
Prison Cell: 4/4
The Warehouse: 6/6
Winter House: 3/3
The Jet 4/4
Movie Studios: 0/5
Swimming Center: 4/4
The Stadium: 9/9
The Building: 6/8
The Strip Club: 5/7
The Biker Bar: 0/2
Pizzeria: 2/2
Photo Studio: 5/5
Lingerie Shop: 0/3
Dance Room: 4/4
Porn Convention: 0/5
The Park: 7/7
The Church: 3/3
The School: 8/8
The Hospital: 4/4
The Beach: 3/3
Rich House: 0/6
Metro Staion: 4/4
The House: 10/11
Indian’s Flat: 5/5
Asian House: 3/3
So the not unlockable scenarios are in:
Movie Studios
The Building
The Strip Club
The Biker Bar
Lingerie Shop
Porn Convention
Rich House
The House
Hope it’s just a severed connection somewhere. Or are those scenarios not implemented yet? just placeholders? As I can see the locations are not used in any of the other campaigns.
Severed connection indeed! I’ll try to fix that a.s.a.p!