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Iddy biddy tiny pixie
Hi again, my dear hentai lovers!!
Still nothing new released yet, though KoPC update is finished and waiting for upload!
So hang in there
Also still working on LustPlanet, it’s coming up together, it should really be a blast!
Same for Sexforge : progressing well, even if it’s a huuuge work to come up with!
And finally : a private commissionner allowed me to share publicly his command, so expect a new great little animation I’m working on to be up soon-ish!
And I’m still open to commissions, of course, as they are a very nice help for funding other projects, as well as great opportunities to learn new tricks (for me), and provide focused pleasures (for you)!
Just write me your pitch and discuss it with me at!
So, nothing really “visible”/playable for now, but it’s coming around for sure!
I’ll tell you as soon as I have something in my sack of wonders
Thx for your support and presence, and long live hentai!!
What’s up? KoPC, Sexforge, and other news!
Hi everyone!
As it’s been some times and I didn’t check in, let’s get it right!
Mainly, if I didn’t came up with more news, it’s because I didn’t publicly release anything new
Sexforge has been going on, but it’s still in early alpha. Filling up NPCs, poses, quests and engine elements, I hope to be able to jump to second stage of development soon. Maybe still not an open alpha, but at least to get things more ‘real’.
I worked on Lust Planet, too, to came up with last pieces of the first working draft of engine.
It’s been tricky but fruitful and satisfying work so far. The game is progressing well too, even if not finished either. end of the month process went through, also. It has its up and down, mainly because players are really really confuse about how it works, when really it’s not that hard!
You pledge something to support the creator/project, then at the end of the month charge you for your pledge, if you fill properly your payment infos.
Then wait until the 7th of next month, for me to process the results, and grant rewards (accesses, codes, etc…) through a program that send automatic e-mails to every supporter.
That’s it.
But lots of people are confused by that, and I always end up spending 2 weeks responding, answering and repeating those same thing in various ways to tons of people. Precious time of work lost, alas :/
That said, I’ve been working on next KoPC update too, though, as perk being I can receive a little funds, thx to supporters, to work on new games and updates!
It’s going well, with loads of bug fixing and engine make-over/improvements, and several new tools, a new set, and new poses!
Should be coming around sometimes this month!
And restless insane dude I am, I’ve also been working on private commissions
On that topic : I’m open to commissions!
Just pitch me your idea and request by e-mail at!
From 300$ to 1000$ usually, but it really depends on what you want, we will take time to discuss it, propose and bounce ideas, and see what can be done for your pleasure!
If it can help me pay some bills and maybe even one day buy a proper computer to work with, on top of granting very exciting wishes, I’m all for it!
And that’s it for now and for the news, gasp!
I will reach to you again once I got something crispy to offer!
New game out : Wonder Woman Fall into Porn!
Aaaaand a new game already!
Yes, I’m totally on fire since a few months, you’ve never seen a solo creator so productive, I know, I’m the best, the hentai messiah, lol! xD
(don’t worry, my games are still far from perfect, and barely bearable sometimes, I know that too, huhuhu)
This one is a commission I received last month, from one of you (ouuh, secret secret!), that I loved to work on, as a mod of YTPP 4!
And the anonymous good samaritan allowed me to release the game to public! (say “thank you” to him!)
So, enjoy it (and it’s 9 endings!), be fair, as it was a special request, so it wasn’t about being polyvalent (no bonus mode, for example), and… well, that’s it! Have fun!
THE LINK : Wonder Woman, Fall into Porn
How to help those games easily : must read !
Other news?
Other news : I didn’t gathered much, this month, on main patreon page (more than half the pledges are fake ones, alas :/), so I wasn’t really able to start new big stuff.
But I progressed on Sexforge (new quests, new features, new NPCs, new everything!!), in partnership with SSS.
And as we are both insane, we also worked a lot on his own big game project : Lust Planet.
Things are going really well, even if we’re not there yet on anything, but that’s still some productive month!
And also, I started a new KoPC update, but without much to go on, it’s just small steps here and there.
Yep, in the end, a big ass month, still, lol!
So, onward to May! (May the hentai be with you all? Rock on!)
Suspended in gaffa
Hello my beautiful ones!
Seems this month will not be the cornucopia of hentai last december was!
I tried my best, but unfortunately, I can’t bend the space-time continuum yet!
But I can’t say I didn’t try, lol!
YTPP 4 well started, even if those games are always very long to do, I still didn’t figure out why.
It seems to me they aren’t THAT big, but I always end up having weeks and weeks of hard work to make them!
Working my ass off on Sexforge, too, of course. So many structural and conceptual questions and problems.
None especially difficult (even if we have a few bad surprises here and there), but it’s still some ant’s work, step by step, brick by brick, to assemble the first core draft.
After that it will go much more smoothly, like for KoPC (which first year was a very slow mess, before getting much easier and awesome), but for now : work work work
Plus I did some very interesting gadgets for my patreons supporters & donators.
Not everybody can help, but I still like to reward a little those who do, even if it breaks the conceptual point of donation, I know, which is to support without counterpart something existing, not trying to get something out of it. But whatever, I did this on my own, no one asked, lol
My dear artist SuperSatanSon is planning a big game of his own, too, and I give him some of my skills and time.
Everyone would gain from this, if we manage to deliver another nice hentai baby. Probably not before months, though, far too early, for now.
Plus I got a private commission for a minigame, yeahee! (that I will not start right now, though, I have to finish YTPP and maybe Sexforge demo first, at least)
Which reminds me to tell all of you, people : I’m open to flash minigames commissionning.
Everything got to be discussed, from then, of course, But don’t hesitate if you have some money and a very specific personnal wish I could help you with!
All that aside, IRL stuff, too. You know, the thing we all try to do with more or less success, and which try to vampire out all the time and energy we have and would like to put in grandiose projects, lol
Anyway, loads of thanks for your continuous support, though, I can never say that enough. It gets me (us!) through all this and so much more!
See you soon for great releases, I hope!
News from backstage
Hi my dear hentai lovers!
I wish you well and my best for the year to come!
So, what’s the situation ? Let’s make some news!
Sexforge : the patreon page, promotion and teaser took me a loooot of work, as well as backboning the game with proper structures and engines, that take sooo long to develop. (once its done, things will start flowing much more easily, though, but for now it’s the frustrating yet necessary part). Loads of artistic and game design discussions, too. Damn this project will be great, but damn it asks for so much work, team or not, lol
The support is going really great and is building up, though.
Couldn’t do anything without it, the project eats everything, for now, lol!
(I hope my landlord will give me a little slack for a few months, lol, huhuhu ^^)
KoPC & Sex Pit : with Sexforge page being independant, I will have much more clarity on the main patreon page & donations to invest into updates for those games!
I plan on doing some kind of poll about all that, though, so you can prioritize what I should work on first when I’ll be able to!
Coming stuff : as for now, I started a new YTPP game, with the help of SuperSatanSon! (see concept art above)
I annoyed the poor lad constantly to get the very feeling and details I wanted, but it comes out great.
(and at least it comes out, lol! Me and “drawing”, it really doesn’t work great, as time goes…)
I also have some very ambiant idea about something else, another really nice minigame.
But as I already got sooooo much work, to do almost all by myself, let’s try to deal with what’s at hand, first, right ?
So, overall, things are going great! The year is starting too slow for my taste, but I raised the bar so much… it can’t always be Christmas, lol! But we will get there, progress is here.
Fap yourselves, Hentai is coming!
Sexforge : making the leg split!

Here it goes, my dear hentai lovers! A specific patreon page for Sexforge, our hentai clicker rpg project!
(yeah, “mmo” too, but has the polls showed you weren’t specifically into that for now, and has it will come in a second time, after the single player core game works out, we decided to get back to calling it “rpg”)
Join the galactic adventure at !
This page may be unexpected (outside the few collaborators that suggested it), but I wanted to have a quiet time to make this split, so we don’t get confuse.
Reason of this specific page is exactly that : clearing confusion!
It will be a little harder for me, to handle both pages, but the “pros & cons” are indeed obvious.
Now, Sexforge specific support will be identified, and I can invest every single penny of it without doubting what players wanted to support.
Now, I will be able to foresee the percentage of players that excitingly expect KoPC & Sexpit updates and other games.
Now, I will be able to start promotion of the SexForge project, without wondering for what game do patreon newcomers are really here for.
Now, I will be able to have much better transparency for Sexforge funds, for collaborators, players and investments planning.
The activity on both page should be a little chaotic at first, and probably less intense than before as reports & news will now be split and oriented to their own pages, obviously.
And this is not an alpha release of anything, alas, the game is still in development! (killing my head on the questing system, those days, damn!)
BUT, now the situation will be much clearer!
I have lots of banners I could share with you to spread the word about the game, but I think it’s better to wait for me to provide at least an alpha version. (what’s your opinion on that ?)
Note : as for the blog, nothing will change, it will still receive in-depths news about everything.
Note 2 : yeah, I could do specific pages for everything, or at least KoPC or SexPit, for the same reasons, but I feel I can’t split myself that much, at least for now, I need to learn how to and see how things go. I’m only human
Enjoy, and thks for your support!
Year recap’ !
Oh oh oh, my dear hentai lovers!
Given all that happens this year, and moreover those past months, I think the opportunity is here to take a little look at the past
(for present and future : check my other posts, it’s already full of news!)
Feel free to explore this blog to journey through the past, it’s always a fun exercise
So. A year ago…
Young Teens getting Porn Pregnant…
A year ago, I was just releasing the first “YTPP” game.
My first “other” game, outside KoPC updates, already released very fast (once every 1 or 2 months) compared to other hentai creators content output.
Same speed as now, in fact, even if I release tons of additionnal games in parallel, lol, it’s freaking insane…
New sets where just starting popping out, as girls first dialogs, and bonus poses era.
And my first YTPP game. (with a second one soon after)
Yeah, really, a page was turning, there, in our common lustful history
Onward to new grounds…
Then, the Offbeatr adventure, trying to find a way to make this hentai creation journey work.
You were there and present for the cause, Offbeatr wasn’t really, too bad :/
But already, the idea of making so much more than “just” KoPC (it’s insulting : it’s already a massive stuff in itself, as it is, lol!) was there, waiting its time, in the dark corners…
Forum, MSG page, donation platforms attempts, I was all over the place, trying to spread out the word about my games, and “suit-up” the whole thing to go one step further.
And then, in april this year : the Sex Pit.
To think it was just a few month ago, and we had practically nothing at this point.
Well, “nothing”, it’s a big word, but who could have guessed all that was to come ?
(aside of me, I mean, I’ve always had very big ideas hide in my brain, lol)
Stepping up the kinkyness…
That’s where I realize something : I wanted more, so much more, and I had reached the top of my capacities, at the time. The games were too long to make, too complicated and freaking exhausting, and runned too slow.
Could that be the rooftop of our ambitions ?
I know my followers, at the time, were, for the most part, completely satisfied with KoPC, and never asked for anything more. And certainly not for my split attention on other projects.
Alas, as much as people love to cuddle their pets in their cozy cages, most domestic animals need limitless fields and jungles, to really strive…
So, disappointingly more ambitious than that, yeah, I refused to stop
Crazy-X came up to me, and I quickly turned his small proposition into big juicy guns : Teens in Trouble, episode 1!
He was the first one to open this new window : by employing better artists than me, I was sparing me the complete exhaustion and huge limitation of drawing the good stuff myself, while freeing a lot more time and opportunity to really get the games where I wanted them : more kinkyness, more variety, more quality!
Never perfect, never can be, but always improving.
The MMO premisses were already all in my head, and so much collabs projects I wanted to make…
The Long Hot Summer…
This summer wasn’t kind to me. Things kept coming out, and very good ones : KoPC updates, always, YTPP 3, TiTs 2, Strip Poker Slut, it’s been a toooon of very good work and improvements, there!
But everything felt so hard and full of obstacles. Glued down, all along.
My computers, freaking antics, crashing down one after another, and still barely repaired and working to this day.
Crazy-X disappearance, halfway through TiTs 2 concept art, first one of a looong serie of strong deceptions regarding artists reliability.
The KoPC engine, soooo stuck in its overloaded complex state, and freezing by ricochet the Sex Pit, using the same core.
Contribution process, very hard to get used to, and sometimes barely reliable and in need of so much additionnal work, too.
Patreon wasn’t working at all, and everyone was doing its very best, but it felt like we were so few and unsufficient.
And MMO framework negociations with MSG progressing sooo slow.
Yeah, this summer was kind of a mess, and Sex Racers was the zenith of its stress and discouragement value.
And then, Satan smiled to me…
Until… until Super Satan Son came along. Writing to several random artists found on hentai-foundry, I was in a storm of despair for all this.
Everything got solved in those past months.
I still felt especially stressed out by everything, but SuperSatan was finally the honest, efficient and reliable artist I was searching, making things sooo much easier.
And I felt I had reached a very good new step, in my skills.
And the KoPC engine made a break-through.
And the MMO negociations were coming together.
And SuperSatanSon was up for it, too, and for so much more, like me!
And patreons started showing up, as well as other donations, and the come-back of comments and feedbacks (a mouthful :p)
It didn’t happen exactly like that, but with time, it really feels it has.
We weren’t out of the storm at all, but damn, it was much better!
And yeah, it’s all because we reached (SuperSatanSon on top but not only) some kind of “team” status, all of you and I, allowing me to foresee much better what I could do, with much freedom of kinky thought, and know it will work fine and be enjoyed.
So… that’s when I reached out again, and take it to the next step of evolution, another page turning!
Sex Racers big ass game, KoPC big ass update, Sex Pit big ass return, all based covered for everyone, and the real start of a brand new awesome MMO project in parallel of all that!
Aaaaand, that’s where we end up this year, in company of the sexy Wendy christmas game, our heart full of joy, as well as our underwears!
Really, it’s been a hell of a year, all crescendo, but if all goes according to plan, 2015 should be as awesome and full of great surprises, if not better!
So, what’s left to say ?
A fucking huge smoochie kissy thank you, to all of you whom support fuelled my hard work to get you hard hentai! We would be anywhere near here without each and everyone of you!
Each compliment, each joyful comment, each bug detailed feedback, each buck, each constructive answer on ideas or opinion gathering, was an additionnal brick for me to build you this pleasure house full of wonders!
I hope we keep on, sailing the kinky seas!
Happy new year everyone, see you on the other side!
2 releases in one go : is it Christmas or what ?
Hi my beautiful hentai lovers!
It is Santa Hoster came up right in time in our chimney, releasing not one, but two of my late tremendous work : Sex Pit v1.8 update (fixed), and “My Wendy Christmas”, my holiday gift to you all
About Sex Pit v1.8, as some of you may know, an unfinished version was released days (weeks ?) ago, alas not really working well. That somehow killed the joy of discovering everything, as most news have slipped through this precocious version.
Yet, try to forget you saw them, and rejoice with me of this now official release!
List of news, in this huuuge update :
- STD appearance reduced by algorithm statistic shrink (should happen 33% less time in same conditions)
- Fix on girls eye-blinking and several side bugs!
- Reset button ask confirmation, now, and do a much cleaner delete.
- Loads of customs! (portage of every KoPC current ones)
- Lots on new poses! (same : transfer and conversion from KoPC current ones)
- Brand new customisation panel, accessible when selecting a girl in “stock” menu (myke)
- Possibility to rename girls on the fly, in custom panel (john)
- Hair & skin requests work on “approximations” and races, now, to fit the numerous additions without changing the game balance.
- Hardcore mode added ! (DK)
- Complete do-over of saves : now works, + saves all your girls customs!
- Complete do-over of game system : “drag & drop” fully replaced by “select-clik then target-click” (DK)
So, mainly : every KoPC clothes/colors/adult poses, full save, and custom mode!
That was big work, thx again to Lazram for his ultra cunning eyes, time and special support, and to all of you for your patience in giving me back faith in this game! (it’s all thanks to you and your patient dedication, really!)
THE LINK (reload a few times, if needed, to get the newest version)
How to help the games easily : must read !
Usual note : latest version of the game is only available on !
One game for everyone, one place for everyone, easier and quicker.
And as the second main event of those holidays : the Christmas minigame!!
It’s been years I miss every good opportunity to make something seasonnal, due to my lack of planning and constant over-work.
In case some of you haven’t notice, I’m doing alone, every month and with very very little money and skills 5 times what some “professionnal team” do in 6 months with all they have!
The day the word may spread and every one out there give us the same means as those teams, oooh man, it’s gonna be a festival of sex like you never seen, lol!!
That said, I triple-shifted and squeezed out a very nice “narrative” game out of my holiday remains.
As usual, it’s something “different” from what I did before, but it seems story-telling is more likely to please you, given it’s what you massively voted for in polls, so… Christmas story!
Be sure to comment on it if you enjoyed it, so I can know what you like better!
Branching choices, several ending, secrets, and ultra cute art by my awesome man SuperSatanSon (an artist worth seeing and supporting : )
MY WENDY CHRISTMAS, a brand new game :
And for the rest of news :
- Sex Pit : There’s a last huge update coming : “events”. Which should be a big ass module to program, and mark the “2.0″ firmly.
No date planned on that, unfortunately, I intend to finish the MMO first, which can easily take us months.
But it’s not going anywhere, and knowing me, there’s always a chance I do it out-of-nowhere the next week because of unpredictable context. So, hang in there!
- KoPC & YTPP : I started a big ass MMO project all by myself, and was able to release patches for last november update, and 2 massive stuff in between also (Sex Pit v1.8 and Christmas game), all that while preparing the holidays. I’m sorry, but I really earned a good break, for now.
- MMO : now that the Christmas game is done, I’ll resume on progressing on the alpha version for the MMO, still my main objective, for now.
That said, given it’s a long, exhausting and costly project, I might squeeze other minigames like I did with the Christmas one, in between development phases for the MMO, to keep things fresh and going.
I need to find a good rythm, to keep productivity to the maximum without exhausting myself.
But as for now, we are still progressing on it with SuperSatanSon.
The Christmas game in itself is a test, to check my narration skills and how to implement it, engine wise.
Your response on it, as players, will also help me trace the future MMO stories/quests guidelines.
(everything is always connected and some way of testing and improving myself, lol)
We also work on promotion material and concept ideas, but it’s too soon to reveal anything.
It’s no massive stuff, but it’s critical anyway.
Overall, yeah, it’s progressing, even during holidays, lol
- Other collabs : I got some plan on a SuperSatanSon personnal project, too.
He really saved all our asses, at the critical turn of Sex Racers.
Since then, the quality of my games doubled (at least), as well as the productivity, and horizon of possibilities.
Time to work on big KoPC AND Sex Pit update, AS WELL as side games, PLUS the MMO wouldn’t be even considered !? It’s all thanks to him, a reliable and efficient artist (which is very very rare, you have no idea!).
He’s not working for free at all, and he shouldn’t.
But I still want to give him the kind of opportunity he gave us, by being here for an awesome project of his.
I don’t know where or when all that will take place, but it will.
And then, we will all have another hentai wonder to enjoy, anyway, hell yeah!
That’s all for this end of year!
I might try to do some global recap of the year, just for fun, in a few days, but anyway, hentai kisses for everyone, enjoy the games & the holidays!
Merry christmas, fap and keep well!
Oh oh ooooooh!
Dancing interlude
Hi everyone !
Just a quick “in-between” word, as everything is in progress but nothing is complete for now.
For the MMO : check out this page, and suscribe to my patreon page, to get latest infos and screenshots of it, and to support the projects so I can concretize them (and the MMO especially).
For KoPC : quick fix for november update is up!
- Lightpoles / warehouse first levels elements bug should be fixed!
- Beer bottle bonus pose fixed!
- Demon horns and aliens antennas too! (and ears. Were doing wonky stuff)
Same url as usual, empty cache & reload a few times if needed : KoPC link
For the Sex Pit : while straightening things up on the MMO, I’m working on sides on a more “physical” update for Sex Pit, as promised, based on latest ragdoll engine improvements! Stripping options, customisations, a new clicking system, and maybe a few more things if I keep receving so much requests and support, lol!
(I may keep “events” for a later update, though : it might be a colossaly fun stuff, if done well, so I prefer to wait to have proper time and a free mind to get it right!)
Because I’m completely crazy, I might add a christmas minigame somewhere in all this, because I really wish I could provide some seasonnal fun from time to time! But that’s a big “if”.
Happy winter, see ya soon for more news!
KoPC november update!
Hi my beautiful people !
Big ass update done here, I hope you will enjoy all the good stuff that has been cooking!
Trucks of new straight ahead! Completely mixed up, but I didn’t see how to sort them out another way!
- There’s been a complete break down and do-over of the coloring system, for skin as for hairs, based on massive externalisation ! (cf previous blog for further infos, but that was just huuuuuge). But just a quick recap :
- 12 times less work when adding a new hair, or skin, or any head or face expression
- at LEAST 12 times less heavy for the game to load (supposedly)
- infinite less time of work when I add any color
- open new mmo opportunity
- side : could bring back hair ondulations
In consequences and addition :
- Complete refont of special heads & colors & body types : now you can choose male demon head on female body type with green color or any other combination without anything imposed. (added a few shortcut buttons, though)
- All girl’s hairs externalised! (head, front, back parts) Game should be way lighter to run!
- +8 new hair colors!
- Hair color sorted for randomized men. They will not have pink or green hair, for example, while you personnally can still choose them.
- +13 new skin color (2 times the existing number !), containing 2 variations for each race skin (caucasian, african, etc…) among other ones.
- Deletion of the “nipple color” parameter for main character. (can’t have everything ^^)
- All tshirt, bras, panties, pants, stockings, shoes & hats have been externalised, for girls. Game should be way lighter to run!
- “Yoga bras” system broke down. Now comes with +6 new corresponding panties !
- Fix on most ass pieces of clothes.
- +9 new gym/sports random outfits!!
- +2 new swimsuits!!
- +7 new stockings : 1 fishnet, 1 lingerie, and 5 type of socks!
- Blank tattoos ! (shoulder and ass, + random increased for guys to have a blank tattoo) (dutchlove)
- All man hairs & beards externalised! Running the game should be lighter!
- +4 new moustaches!! (dutchlove)
- +2 new beards!!
- Man upper arm design & torsos improved!
- “Dismiss” function problem fixed!
- Complete re-check of all poses, to put feet behind calfs (with a little knee connexion improvement)
- Fixes on “adult birdy” pose and a few other “reverted abdomen” poses.
- Lots of details fixed on “deeper”, “dog grip”, “dog back” and lots of other poses!
- Residual xray tongues problem adressed!
- Fixes on location problem on “fisting”, “assjob” on several other poses (that were spawning not centered at all) !
- Brand new pose : foreplay-threesome to show lesbian action! (young & adult versions) (a long-time asked one, by CS, jedijay & others)
- Brand new foreplay pose : kissing! (young & adult versions) (master)
- A fully hidden pose, ouh, secret secret!
- Problem with “swimming center” building showing “warehouse” image fixed.
- Map reorganization and arrangements, global as inside buildings.
- +4 Brand New Sets! The penthouse (special “building” location with several weather), the Movie Studio, the Lingerie Shop, and the Rich House!
- +9 new scenarios to go with them!
- Other new various contributed scenarios : main campaign “family bonds” (winter house), +1 for “end of the world” campaign, +3 for “nudist” one, +1 for “happy sex” one!
But there’s more, with Rancid that gave me material to add ton of new stuff!
- +14 brand new outfits!!! Maid, Catwoman, Wonderwoman, Powergirl, Razorgirl, April O’Neil, Scientist, Officer, Rags, Chains, Soldier, Vault Dweller, Virgin Robe, and Princess one!
- Also +6 regular scenarios, and +18 “end of the world” campaign ones!!
- A brand new special set : the Vault! (fallout lovers will appreciate, I think ^^)
So I did some personnal changes and additions regarding that, among which :
- Map and intro text background change for “end of the world” campaign!
- Also added “trashed” versions for “church”, “penthouse”, “park” and “stadium” sets! (for the ambiance!)
- Re-done customization panel, given how many new outfits and new colors we have now!
And finally, countless small visual or technical details/bugs, the list is just far too long and I just stop taking notes at some point, lol!
TO ACCESS new “threesome foreplay”, just click another girl when doing foreplay. (same as x-some, just in a different game phase!)
THE LINK (reload a few times, if needed, to get the newest version)
How to help the game easily : must read !
Usual note : latest version of the game is only available on !
It’s the point of a sponsor’s exclusivity, and it’s just simplier that way !
So don’t ask for versions elsewhere or trust other sites to have the latest one, just go on !
One game for everyone, one place for everyone, easy and quick.
On other note :
- A patch for the Sex Pit should come up soon (bug & technicalities only, for now :p)
- Later, we could include all new KoPC engine color tweaks and poses fixes/additions in it, but I’ll wait for your throrough examination of its functionning in current state in KoPC, first.
- MMO is started! I got the overall mechanic, and commissionned the first drawings to begin building a ragdoll structure! Hope to get an alpha as soon as possible (even ultra raw :p)
- Yet, my Patreon goes really downhill since a few weeks, instead of getting the astonishing support other creators get for doing ten times less, so I really hope we can get through and give our project a chance to happen, lol. Cross fingers and spread the word on hentai forums, while I work hard for the alpha!
Anyway! Keep supporting the hard work as you can, you know it’s a team effort (couldn’t do all this on my own!) and that you are awesome and appreciated for all you already did and keep doing, and enjoy the jiggidy hoppity hentai fun!
See ya soon! Comment the hell out of this update!