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King of Porn City scam!
Hello my beautiful ones!
First of, a reminder : I’m still – as always – super active, but on my patreon pages!
Go there for tons of news & truckloads of hentai content!
What brings me today is, a funky website that… has nothing to do with me, the solo creator and only developer of this massive game, lol!
It was bound to happen. Every creation can be easily stolen or misused, on the internet.
I’m just surprised it took so long. (and will have so much fun bringing it down, lol)
I will share more about how funny it sounds to me in some patreon news later on, but anyway, my point is : don’t get caught in such stuff.
Even if the website pretends the game is free, I “strangely” (no) wasn’t able to access it, even just a super outdated version of it.
Sounds shady as fuck, lol, and definitely boring anyway.
And Sexforge or SBO or PB games might probably be re-branded and used as a scam this way too, at some point.
Given how internet is complicated, and constantly evolving, making us (you and me) moving around all the time, publishing updates here, then moving elsewhere and all, we’re bound to confuse newcomers or returning long-time fans, from time to time.
Not sure there’s a miracle solution there, aside making this post, in this old dusty blog, to tell you I’m still on, still publishing my hentai stuff only there (as far as I’m concerned. But maybe someone is reposting my games elsewhere, I don’t know), and anything else you might found on some obscure forums or professional-looking website is probably waaayyyy behind in terms of content and updates anyway, lol!
So be sure to have the fresher and most source-material good stuff around, if anything
A good tips is that I’m a solo amateur creator, just hiring freelancers here and there from time to time, and I love working that way.
So anything claiming stuff about my games that looks professional, or announced itself as a “big team work”, or have a clean studio name (I hate that xD), or doesn’t give away a link to my games right from the start, is probably a repost/disguised scam or whatever.
Be safe, have hentai fun, and see you around, my beautiful ones
For the Greater Hentai Cause!
Hello there.
I almost never come back to this blog (or just to fix the FaQs, links or trash comments, lol xD), because I spend waaaay too much time and fun developping TOOONS of content for all my existing games, lol xD
And there’s just so much you can squeeze in “24 hour” days, so, I prefer delivering content updates over spreading myself thin on too many websites, alas xD
So, here’s just a quick recap or where you’ll find my work :
- Sexforge project (absolutely insanely full of content!) :
- School Breeding Orgy (legendary harem game for sure!) :
- Mattis Games (main page for everything else, and there’s a lot of “everything” involved!) :
And also, my games are in Flash (with .swf files), so you’ll need this little program to make them work (or some other flashplayer of some sort).
Here’s how it goes :
1 – Download the archive file using this link :
2 – Extract it with winzip, winrar or a free unpacking software like that
3 – Launch and use the .exe (or .dmg, depending on your system) file inside to open Flash games!
4 – Have fun!
For Hentai Glory, roaaaar!
I know, I know, I come here from time to time (very rarely!), and see I don’t post anything anymore since quite a long time!
And for a good reason : I’m doing sooo much stuff on my several projects & games, via patreon stuff and news, that I just don’t have any time left for this blog, lol!
So, yes : TONS of new stuff are getting released EVERY. FREAKING. MONTH!
And you should definitely check that out on my patreon pages :
- Sexforge project (absolutely insanely full of content!) :
- School Breeding Orgy (legendary harem game for sure!) :
- Mattis Games (main page for everything else, and there’s a lot of “everything” involved!) :
I’ll see you there!
Onwaaaard to infinityyyy !!
Onward to 2019 !!
Yep, this blog went completely adrift, since quite some time!
Not because of lack of news & content, as one could think, but because of the exact opposite!
I got tooooonns of new stuff jumping out of my bag of hentai wonders!
And handling 3 full pages, and even more factual hentai games & updates on a regular basis behind that, is a big work!
The output went from “an update every 2 months” to “5 updates & one full game per month” (ish. Sometimes more)
So, yes, planning that many news, a constant flow, + the real hard work behind that, is just massive, and amazing!
But that doesn’t leave a lot of time to add a blog’s management on top of that!
So, I prefer keeping it to minimal, by updating the games list on right column.
That’s where the magic happens, lately.
And for everyone who wants more, well… join me on, and see the process of shaping all those magnificent booty & boobies unfolds!
Onward to sexier tomorrows!
Sweet sweet 2018!
So so ! What’s new under the sun, you might ask?
Those posts really are too spreaded accross time, but with so much output, it’s not like I have a choice, alas!
Sexforge news, School Breeding Orgy updates : you name it! Tons of them!
And the rest? Like review that via a few pics!

A new KoPC update, with loads of new poses, outfits, sets and fixes? Yeah, sure, you got it!

Some X-mas delight? Alright! Futas codes all around, (KoPC as for all PBs), and new Santa sets, outfits and scenarios!

2 new PB episodes! Starting with icy lonely but sexy Elsa!

... and the infamous gorgeous Princess Peach, caught in a weird race!

And last but gloriously not least to date : a SexPit superb update, tiyng up a looooot of loose ends since last time!
There’s always more hentai around, the arousal never ends!
Enjoy those threats, they are all free to play! (except Sexforge and a few rewards for supporters, of course, but it’s only fair!)
Well well well ;)
Hi, my beautiful ones!
So, long time no see, hmm ?
Let’s see… what’s new since the last time ?
- A brand new Porn Bastard episode : Lara Croft!
- New KoPC update!
- Loads of new School Breeding Orgy updates!
- New updates for ALL Porn Bastards games!
- New serious update for Jessica’s Flesh for Porn!
- An insane amount of Sexforge updates!
I didn’t realized it was that long since my last post here, and daaaamn, do things move fast, nowadays!
As usual, compared to how I started, with barely a small KoPC update every 3 months, check out all we came down with in just 3 months, now!
I know I say that a lot, but it’s because I was doing my absolute best right from the start, and it really jumps into my eyes to see the difference!
Things are insanely fast and profuse, thanks to you all, that are fuelling me with great support and amazing kind words for the soul!
So, enjoy the fruits of all that teamwork, you got loads of links on the right column to check out various pages and hentai games around!
Hentai is smooth, hentai is sweet, hentai is unleashed and boundless on those shores of ours. Onward to sexier tomorrows!
Summertime sexual healing!
Hi my wonderful ones!
I’m not a lot on this blog, I don’t know if that bothers you or not?
Most people follow me on and see my news every 5 days, or on other websites.
But if you are a glorious blog-only fan and you feel a little left in the dark, don’t hesitate to give a shout out
That being said, as always, tons of new stuff around!
Seemed like a looooong time ago, when I was releasing only 1 KoPC update or game every 3 to 5 months, lol.
Nowadays, it’s “massive Sexforge news” every week, and a brand new update or game every 1 month/1 and a half!
The speed is extactic!
Though looking back at my hold “arcade” attempts (TiT 2, Sex Racers, Wendy, etc…), it feels like I was going for “more interesting” games, in the past.
I remember them not being appreciated a lot, despite being ultra hard to make. But in the end they were very inspired, technically wise.
(it’s more and more obvious I’ll profit from my artistic contacts now to make “V2″ out of all of them!)
Fortunately, you were always here to love the lustful work, and keep praising the hentai gods to keep me going on this glorious road.
And that’s why I’m still here, today, and not sad and demotivated in some dark corner, furbishing tons of games, upon more and more players suggestions, to provide sweet hentai one climax at a time, and countless ones since we started this journey!
Never underestimate the power of a few people and compliments on a solo creator! Empires rise and fall with your feedback.
And I’m thankful to you all on a daily basis for your continuous positivity. The perfect fuel for still unperfect games, but evergrowing improvements and content!
Yeah, yeah, congrats to all of us, orgy in the making!
But what new twisted games came out lately, then?
Well, tons of Sexforge stuff, some new School Breeding Orgy little update for randomisation, new KoPC update, and a new PB game!
One link to rule them all (load and reload to see newest versions) :
The goods are great, the lust is true, pleasure eternal!
New game School Breeding Orgy, and big update for all PBs!
Hi my beautiful ones!
The year is starting with a big sexual roar, with one of my most unique and exciting game finally out, after months of work : School Breeding Orgy!
It’s not the biggest and most interesting one maybe, but I sure loooooove to have been able to pull it out of my dreams into “twitching hentai flesh and hardcore action” reality!
As far as I know, there isn’t any other game where you can customize and fuck than many girls at once, all animated and to your liking!
(well, aside KoPC, right? We sure wrote history there, time and time again!)
So enjoy this treat to the fullest, it’s all yours!
School Breeding Orgy, a unique harem masterpiece :
And if you want to give it some more love, I’ve opened a new patreon for it, because as I was making it, a lot more ideas came to me! (”as usual”, I know)
But the game was already far beyond deadline and budget, and I got so many other projects running, so I prefer to leave the final decision to you, players & fans, to shape what tomorrow will be about!
If you love this orgy :
But wait, that’s not all!
With the experience gathered on this School Breeding Orgy massive project, I was also able to make several breakthroughs (creampie twitch, eye blinker, etc…), and update all previous Porn Bastards game accordingly!
Along with some bug fixing, smoother animations, and global leveling of everything (music handler, baby xray, etc…), that’s 6 games improved for the better, with a serious package of tweaks and features!
So, be sure to check them one more time if you loved this or that episode (or all of them), all links are on the right column of this site, and all games now have the “v1.2″ mention! (if not, empty your navigator’s cache and reload the games for newest version)
Happy new year 2017!!
Hello my beautiful ones, and my best wishes for 2017!!
It’s time for a look back in the past, and to the future too!
First, let’s celebrate a fucking massive amazing year of hentai!!
Thanks to your continuous dedication in creating a good ambiance in our community, it’s still a pleasure to try my inhuman best and work triple shifts to provide you (us) all good hentai games!!
I already said it before, but I say it again : in those kind of “one-man-army” things, the moral is the most critical point, above all others, and is what will create motivation and fuel the gigantic amount of meticulous work involved!
Some early fans know it, others may not, but I was making “all public” games, before switching to hentai, years ago.
And the biggest reasons I had to quit it was because of an execrable ingrateful atmosphere, mutilating the motivation to keep going, to keep improving, to keep providing what is, in the end, free gifts of fun games!
Some people needs a little kick in the nuts to get to work, I admit. I sure am NOT one of those people, and if my games are not perfect (and they aren’t), see how insanely more efficient some good positive feedbacks made them, through the years!
From a crappy KoPC alpha to more than a dozen glorious hentai games, constantly improving with time, released at a stupendous rate : compare with what most hentai creators are doing, they are eating dust a looooong way behind!
And it comes from this simple alchemy : positivity, to fuel the hard work. It’s a team thing.
Of course, there’s also the financial support of patreons, which factually creates as much time AND means to get things better, smoother and more arousing as we go & grow.
Time, means, and motivation : we got there a winning team for wonders to happen, and miracles of sexyness follow, like expected!
Let’s devour and fest on those exciting bouncing curves, and flesh our desires to unlimited horizons!!
Two thousands sex teens, a year in the making :
- 6 “Porn Bastards” games, to fuck the brain out of Ino, Holli Would, Korra, Shaundi, Tracer and April!
- 2 KoPC big updates (did I forgot one?), full of wonders, again and again!
- Countless Sexforge updates and additions, I can’t even list them!
That’s a crazy realization, it’s more than 1 game every 2 months, WITHOUT counting Sexforge growth, which is enormous!! Just wow, such lewd…
And what about the future, then?
- Sexforge : for sure it will keep growing like crazy!
- KoPC : oh yeah, you bet!
- PB series : still dozens of girls to do, count me in! Even improve past ones, if I can.
- YTPP : yep, that still excite me a lot, we’ll see!
- TiTs : I love those side arcade games, I’ll definitely come back to them!
- The Sex Pit : great perspectives ahead. (imagine if we adapt Sexforge engine to that ?)
- Jessica Rabbit’s Flesh for Porn : could be addition to that, easily.
- Wonder Woman : Fall into Porn : wrapped up as is, but who knows
- The Ghost Fucker : I still would like to make something much more kinkier out of this great concept
- Wendy Christmas : I like the experience, I could go back to that
- Sex Racers : I got so much plans for this jewel! Huhuhu…
- Other games : oh yes, plenty! If only you knew, you couldn’t wait!
It’s a global new year summary, but I think it’s pretty much it : it was a very intense year, and we made wonders, and I don’t have the slightest desire to stop or slow down, but quite the contrary a burning desire to make much much more, oh yes!
So what say you? Let’s make kinky hentai, yeah?
Alive and sexy as ever!
Hello my beautiful ones!
As usual, I’m very (very!) present in hentai spheres, lately, but I’m just focused on making truckloads of gud stuff, and publishing news every 4 or 5 days on both my patreon pages!
As I’m doing alone every week what other 6-people studios can’t do in months, and as we’re still unable to stretch “24h days” into “357h days” : choices have to be made!
That always has been my method, to pulll out so many stuff, and one of the biggest advice I could give to anyone wanting to achieve stuff in their lives : Choose. Your. Battles!
When you do it cleverly… well… you end up being the most productive and magnificent being you could be!
So! No news, but loads of news
Tooooonnnns of new stuff around for Sexforge, with all “tier 1″ campaigns & harem minions finished, breeding module pushed several steps further, every fur tails/hands/feet/patches packs finished, and loads of new customs and features all around!
Also, a brand new PB game! Yes my dears! This time, welcome a kinky boundless story about the colorful and inspiring April O’Neil!
The link :
I’ll got back to work, now, because I got a MASSIVE project, that should have already been released by now, but I just didn’t finish it in time!!
So, quintuple shifts of work to get it done, onward to exhalarating hentai wonders!!